Women's Therapy Clinic Woodlands TX Logo

Cara Helmrich, MA, CPLC, holds a master’s degree from Harvard University and specializes in helping her clients overcome obstacles that stand in the way of a life of purpose and fulfillment. Whether her clients are facing a major life transition such as divorce or career change, are hoping to move past the pain associated with emotional abuse, or are simply stuck in their lives, Cara provides her clients with tools to understand and rebuild their lives.

By honoring and growing from past experiences with gratefulness and without shame, Cara’s clients are able to live and work with authentic joy and intention. Cara believes that kindness and human connection are imperative to a joyful life and she is passionate about understanding and making the most of the human experience.

Cara focused on clinical psychology in her studies in Topics in Human Behavior at Harvard. She is also certified with the Association of Coaching. Cara enjoys spending time and traveling with her son and daughter, being in the company of friends, and daily meditation.
